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Disclaimer: I am certified to implement the teachings and trainings about dementia of Teepa Snow and the Positive Approach to Care® (PAC). While based on the educational content from Teepa, and inspired by my Certification, views or opinions expressed, and additional content offered here, are representative of me, independent of the PAC organization.
Recent Editions
“Extremely helpful on so many levels. I especially liked comparing reversible and irreversible memory loss, because we’re all on this continuum as we age.
I feel empowered to be proactive in my approach to age for me my husband.”
“I can’t tell you how helpful this is. Out of the information I have reviewed, this has been the most helpful! Thank you so much!”
“[Sheri] was excellent and gave step-by-step examples of how to work with someone with dementia.”
“Wonderful information—practical and useful. Your passion is outstanding. Thanks so much.”
“Sheri gave an excellent presentation. Reassured me that some of the things I am doing are right.”